A New Breed Of Owl By Night...

Hello everyone.

There is going to be a few minor changes to how OWL BY NIGHT reviews new music material from now on. In order to pump out as many up-to-date reviews as is possible for a feathered bird, reviews will vary in length according to what is being blogged about. Single reviews will be in handy bitesize portions, whereas less frequent gig reviews and artist reviews will be in larger chunks for you to digest over. Owl By Night enjoys providing indepth analysis and see's this take on reviewing as a bit of a niche that can exclude core readers, therefore, a compromise shall be made to make sure as many of you dear people on the internet can enjoy these reviews on the freshest and brightest new music talent around. Thank you for your loyalty and as ever, stay tuned.

Owl By Night /\/\-() <> ()-/\/\


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